Shades of Grey

Some say they're straight or bi or gay, but I say we're all just shades of grey.
From black to white and all the races, it's just a shade of grey on all our faces.
If you don't know what I'm trying to say, then you're just seeing one shade of grey.
Black words appear on an all white page, but the pictures appear in shades of grey.

And what about that Jewish guy? Some people say he was crucified.
Buddhists enlightened to the sky, and Shinto shrines with nature's vibe.
If you get wise you'll realize there's shades of grey withing all our lives.
It doesn't matter how you pray it's all just different shades of grey.

When the sun slowly sets at night, the world don't turn to black and white.
Watch the light as it fades away and all hues turn to shades of grey.

When you label things in black and white, the shades within are lost from sight.
If you take all the colors away, what must remain are the shades of grey.

Listen to the Music

Shades of Grey – By Michael Bud, featuring William Pond

Originally written March 1, 1999

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Copyright © Square Squared